〖Two〗、 I know everything, but reason is defeated by emotion.
〖Three〗、 Time will melt away all sharpness.
〖Four〗、 The stars are gentle and overflowing, and the world is the best.
〖Six〗、 The world is moving, but white porcelain plum soup in midsummer, crushed ice jingling against the wall.
〖Eight〗、 The life is busy, the competition is long, but there is a certain number of ups and downs, and the gains and losses are difficult to measure.
〖Nine〗、 Day and night, precipitate the past and usher in the new light.
〖Ten〗、 The reunion after a circle is a romance.
1〖Two〗、 Take your time and look forward to all the good things coming to you.
1〖Four〗、 The stars spread all over the sky, and there were lights at the end of the long road.
1〖Six〗、 Even if the night devours everything, the sun can come back.
1〖Eight〗、 Youth is a time that I will regret no matter how hard I try to spend it.
20、 It's very cold this winter. If some of you keep warm, I'll put it in my own pocket.
〖Two〗、 We're not good actors. I can't hide my passion. You can't show love.
〖Four〗、 If you live seriously, you can find the candy hidden by life.
〖Six〗、 I would like to go to a strange city with you and wait for spring under the big tree.
〖Seven〗、 Before the south wind rises, I miss you as a disease.
〖Nine〗、 May we meet again in a world where the smoke is gone.
1〖One〗、 While you sparkle, you should be safe at the same time.
1〖Three〗、 I wish you meet a loved one, give you a city of joy, long songs warm floating life.
1〖Four〗、 You are the only heart I have left after I have experienced all things.
1〖Five〗、 Tear open the clouds, you are the light.
1〖Six〗、 Give time, let the past pass.
1〖Eight〗、 May different ways come to the same end, and you can tell me about the way you came.
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