


  1. 给姐姐暖心的句子
  2. 夸姐姐漂亮的句子
  3. 请大哥大姐姐帮我把这些句子翻译成英文...急急急!























39 Guangzhou people is difficult to adapt to the climate in the north, especially in winter.( ADAPT)


40 the grey-haired old man the wrinkles on his face suggested that he never have experienced years of wind and frost.( show)


The 41 in the examination before I had time to check, the bell rang.( before)

42.从她在求职面试中的表现判断,他能胜任这个职务。(be qualified).

42 from her behavior in the job interview, he is qualified for this post.( be qualified).


43 do you regret having wasting so much time playing games.( regret)


44 lights is proved to be an effective energy-saving measures.( effective)


45 If everyone shows his love to others, our society will be better.( show)


In 46 he decided by reading China Daily every day to improve the English reading ability.( improve)


47' after supper walk"," live ninety-nine" this sentence is reasonable in science.( reasonable)


48 life is priceless, because when the disaster occurs at first, then instead of property.( occur)


49 Chinese athletes in the Olympic Games shows the spirit and courage of a great inspiration to the people.( INSPIRE)


50 I think he doesn't learn English well is due to lack of willpower.( fail)


In 51 The Greek government did everything possible to ensure that the Olympic Games will normally.( ensure)

52.在行动前我们必须充分考虑肯能遇到的一切困难。(take.....into consideration)

52 before the action we must give full consideration to all the difficulties.( take... Into consideration.)


All 53 stores were banned as of ten A below the age of people to sell cigarettes.( require)


In 54 he claimed to the police, he know nothing at all about what happened that night.( claim)


55 now in the computer is available to everybody all sorts of useful information.( available)


56 to be successful without effort idea is ridiculous.( without)


In 57 he ignored his own comfort and the scoundrel, this requires great courage.( consider)

58.我们要号召学生学习他对工作的责任感。(call on)

58 we should call on the students to learn from his sense of responsibility in the work.( call on)

59.眼下最重要的是尽快找出事故的原因。(find out0

59 now the most important is to find out the cause of the accident.( find out0

60.每位公民享有权利的同时要牢记自己的义务。(keep in mind)

60 every citizen enjoys the rights and at the same time to remember their obligations.( keep in mind)

61.如今上海人去中国西部旅游甚至比去一些东南亚国家旅游还贵。(make a trip)

61 now the people of Shanghai to Western China tourism than to some of the Southeast Asian country tourism is also expensive.( make a trip)


62 Chinese economy increases by about eight percent every year, which many economists in the world by.( shock)

63.是我们深受感动的是他身患重病时关心的还是那项正在进行的实验。(in progress)

63 is our deeply is that when he was seriously ill still concerned about the ongoing experiments.( in progress)

64.过分的溺爱孩子对孩子的成长没有丝毫的好处。(do good to)

64 excessive doting child on child growth without any good.( do good to)


65 we have determination and ability to build our motherland into a powerful country.( buid... Into)

66.听说三十年前上海的孩子穿过补的旧衣服是很平常的。(be dressedin)

66 hear of thirty years ago Shanghai children through repairing old clothes is very common.( be dressedin)


67 If you when to pay attention to protecting the teeth, you would not often tooth pain.( suffer)


In 68 the government demanded that the citizens should save every drop of water in daily life.( demand)


69 although the drug prices down several times, but many people still find it difficult to afford it.( reduce)


70 in general" no good cheap goods," but it is not necessarily true.( necessarily)

71.是他深感失望的是,当他匆匆忙忙赶到机场时,飞机已经起飞了。( take off)

In 71 he was a keen disappointment, when he hurried to the airport, the plane had already taken off.( take off)

72.那份标着全上海厕所未知的地图深受出租车司机的欢迎。(be popular)

72 which is marked with the unknown map of all the toilets in Shanghai is popular with taxi driver.( be popular)


73 was his interest in physics that made the old scientist engaged in scientific research all his life.( it)


74 you didn't tell him where the meeting is held,( inform0)?


75 let me on this thing expressed opinions.( summarize)
