Think of you, think of you, think of you is all of my life, just, can you look back at me.
Don't look back at me. Let's go. There are so many mountains and rivers. Don't run into people who like you so much.
I don't care about your leaving. I don't mention a word about your story.
It doesn't matter, it's hard, it's painful, continue heartache, it's almost over.
You don't wait for me, we will not have results, just like the airport can never wait for the train, we will not have intersection in the future.
I loved this sky a long time ago, when you were my hero.
If I don't speak and stand in front of you, you think I'm kind of like before.
There is a person who teaches you how to love, but he doesn't love you anymore.
I learn to calm down, even smile is quiet, but feel breathing is unpredictable pain.
Like a person is also a kind of fault, and I just add to the wrong.
Sometimes persistence is a kind of burden or injury, but giving up is a kind of beauty!
Fantasy is always beautiful, reality is always illusory, just as love is dispensable, as if to leave.
It's still a bit sad to think about it. Some people are familiar with it and return to zero.
Break up on the old death, do not contact, show a trace of miss is cheap; you go, do not disturb is my last gentle.
Love and do not love to have a hard heart. There should be no middle ground.
Deja vu scene, deja vu dialogue. But we are not what we were.
The first time I laugh is because I meet you, the first time I cry is because you are not here, the first time I laugh and cry is because I can't have you.
I remember all the songs you like, but I haven't heard them. I'm afraid to recall old memories.
The furthest distance in the world is the track of my tears falling after you turn around.
Love is a sense of destiny, no matter how many times you forget each other, as long as you meet it, you will fall in love with it again!
You face persistently push away my hand, and I also smile to delete your dream.
Maybe people are like this: easy to get will not cherish, lost but want to try to recover.
You can cheat me a hundred times, I can pretend not to know a hundred times, but you know, I only believe you once.
If I don't have a sword in my hand, I can't protect you. If I hold a sword in my hand, I can't hug you.
My persistent all the way, only in exchange for your turn away.
Most afraid of this life has decided not to you, but also hear your news.
In this era, everything is money. Without money, you are nothing.
I don't want to lose sleep alone, because I'm really afraid.
Sometimes I do not understand you, do not understand your heart, do not understand your love.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
Look at the words you've read, listen to the songs you've heard, walk the way you've walked, I think, so we'll get closer.
I don't like myself now. I miss us more.
If the memory can be long, light thoughts can also keep warm, I live up to three thousand years, just to leave you half que Fang trace.
You said you would love me with your whole life, but your life is too short for me.
If you want to leave sooner or later, don't give me hope.
If you can't go down the road, give up, so that you won't be scarred but still have nothing.
There is no one like me, in order to have a result of perseverance and insist.
I didn't know I was never really liked by you until I saw you in love.
Sometimes think about it, I am the same without you, just one more red eye.
You hate yourself. What's the use of others liking you.
If I become a memory, I hope to be your exclusive memory.
After you leave, I like you is my own business, has nothing to do with you.
It turns out that breaking up is that this person has nothing to do with you any more. For thousands of generations, there are only you and me, no us.
It's just that you cheated me out of my true feelings.
If I can fly, you are my half wing.
Only the person who makes you sad can make you happy, but usually, the person who makes you sad only makes you sad all the time.
Don't think about what is not worth recalling, it will only increase suffering!
Some people pursue happiness, so efforts; some people have happiness, so give up.
The secret of a happy old age is nothing else, but a decent agreement with loneliness.
For the rest of my life, may I be invincible, invincible, invulnerable, cruel and happy.
〖Two〗、 2“好雨知时节”,在这群芳斗妍时悄然发生。那妖艳欲滴的牡丹,在春雨的滋润下,越发显出国色天香,倾国倾城的美貌。花瓣上滚动着一颗颗露珠,裹着它那诱人的色彩,悄然无声的滴落,带着余香钻进草丛。小草儿也傲立起头,冒出针尖似的小脑袋,如刚出生的小孩子,在春雨的滋润下,透着可爱的绿,新生的绿,在雨水的拥抱中茁壮成长。草间上那一点灵动的色彩,似明珠,如翡翠,镶嵌在单纯的绵绸上。鸟儿低飞,在春雨潇潇下时,在树梢婉转地唱。鸟语花香,风光无限好!
〖Three〗、 3烟雨蒙蒙,炊烟缕缕。山镇被春雨笼罩着,山也朦胧,花也俊俏,如诗如画,若虚若实,让人如痴如醉。
〖Four〗、 4雾蒙蒙的,湿润润的,春之妩媚在此线路无遗。你看那一脉远山,如同一眉青黛,而又若隐若现,被这润润的春雨裹上一层半透明的面纱。山上绿油油的一片,融入这朦胧的天地,绿得诱人,亮得耀眼,充满了勃勃生机。
〖Five〗、 5教室里打得乌烟瘴气。毛老师气咻咻地站在门口,他头上冒着热气,鼻子尖上缀着几颗亮晶晶的汗珠,眉毛怒气冲冲地向上挑着,嘴却向下咧着。看见我们,他惊愕地眨了眨眼睛,脸上的肌肉一下子僵住了,纹丝不动,就像电影中的“定格”。我们几个也都像木头一样,钉在那里了。
〖Six〗、 6老人的双手很灵巧。一个泥人在他手里诞生,只要几分钟。看他又拿起一团泥,先捏成圆形,再用手轻轻揉搓,使它变得柔软起来,光滑起来。接着,又在上面揉搓,渐渐分出了人的头、身和腿。他左手托住这个泥人,右手在头上面摆弄着,不一会儿,泥人戴上了一顶偏偏的帽子。
〖Seven〗、 7他弯着腰,篮球在他的手下前后左右不停地拍着,两眼溜溜地转动,寻找“突围”的机会。突然他加快了步伐,一会左拐,一会右拐,冲过了两层防线,来到篮下,一个虎跳,转身投篮,篮球在空中划了一条漂亮的弧线后,不偏不倚地落在筐内。
〖Eight〗、 8小丽抿着嘴,弓着腰,蹑手蹑脚地,一步一步慢慢地靠近它。靠近了,靠近了,又见她悄悄地将右手伸向蝴蝶,张开的两个手指一合,夹住了粉蝶的翅膀。小丽高兴得又蹦又跳。
〖Nine〗、 9这是一个美好的夜晚,红红的灯笼,使大街小巷充满着光明。在一条条宽阔的马路上,汽车川流不息,一股“红流”向东南西北流去。在大街上,人们提着灯笼,那一个个漂亮的灯笼,代表着人们心中的那份喜悦。不久,天空“开放”了五彩缤纷的鲜花--烟花。夜晚变成了白天,那一支支烟花给夜空披上了一件五颜六色的衣裳,也映衬着寂寞的月光姐姐。走进小巷,家家户户都在那说说笑笑,让人感到一股温馨的感觉。
〖Ten〗、 10在那一条条宽阔的大街上,人们正在游行哩!可爱的萤火虫也在成群结队地飞来飞去,为人们“打路”。在一间间亮堂堂的房子里,人们正在那吃月饼,赏月,看着那个犹如白玉盘似的月亮,人们都笑了。天上的月亮照亮了大地,河面倒映着天上的月亮,美极了!