



  1. 温柔的特殊的英语句子\适合写在手账本上,摘抄下来叭
  2. 抄在手账本上的神仙英文句子


〖One〗、①Everything  in  the  world  is  better  than  one  you(人间万物不如一个你)

〖Two〗、②The first sight is a panic a glimpse of the heart is you.(初见惊鸿一瞥,怦然心动是你)

〖Three〗、③Probably growing up and losing my from erself.(大概在成长,也在丢失从前的自己)

〖Four〗、④Around  the  galaxy,  there  are no brighter  stars  than  you (环游遍了整个星系,找不到比你更亮的星星)

〖Five〗、⑤It’s okay to fall apart for a little while. You don’t always have to pretend to be strong, and there is no need to constantly prove that everything is going well.(偶尔崩溃一下没关系。你不必假装坚强,没有必要一直都要证明一切都进展顺利)

〖Six〗、⑥May you be fathful to yourself, live earneslly and laugh freely.(愿你忠于自己,活的认真,笑的放肆)

〖Seven〗、⑦Because of your smile,you make life more beautiful.(因为你的微笑让世界变得更加美丽)

〖Eight〗、⑧No one' s ever made me as happy as he is.(从来没有人能像他那样让我开心)

〖Nine〗、⑨Everything's  fine with  you,but you're not him.(你样样都好,但你不是他)


想做个园丁,然后去你们心里种点b树。I want to be a gardener and plant some B trees in your heart.下面是为我为大家总结的时候抄在手账本上的神仙英文句子希望大家喜欢。


Frying and boiling are both ways to make delicious, so is refueling.


Live a good life and love you slowly, not just you.


Don't be sorry, you are my preference and exception.


How can one startle people in the world? It's just a common person in the world.


I can't stand the fleeting time, but I can't escape the youth here.


Don't panic. The moon is lost somewhere in the sea.


Be a gentle person, smile and love gently.


In the distance, there is always one for you.


If you don't have special luck, you have to work hard.


You have to start to work hard, take your time, and there are people waiting for you to grow up.


I like you the most in all the scenery where things are different.


Take your smile, face the unexpected encounter in life.


Some hearts, from the very beginning, can't stop.


It's inevitable to leave the venue. It's good to go back to your home.


Living in this precious world, you can feel both the heat of the sun and the gentle of water.
